Learn to
love wildlife  

We rehabilitate over 6,000 wild animals every year. Help us continue this important work by learning how to support wildlife in your community. 

We offer educational resources for adults and children.

Learn about:
  • co-existing with wildlife
  • creating safer spaces for wildlife
  • rescuing wildlife in distress

Explore our full range of educational programs and resources

Let's work together to prevent harm to wildlife.

School Groups

In-Person and Virtual Programs
Book an in-person program at local schools, a field trip at a conservation area, or a virtual presentation for K-12 classes across Canada. All school programs are linked to the Ontario curriculum. 

Camp, Daycare & After School Groups

In-Person and Virtual Programs
Book a presentation that focuses on developing empathy and compassion for local wildlife.

Adults Groups

In-Person and Virtual Programs
Book a virtual or in-person program to learn the history of SPWC, our mission, and how we give life-saving medical care to thousands of animals each year.

Online Courses

Explore our course for adults on emergency response for wildlife and our free course for Grade 4-8 students on honouring wildlife of Turtle Island.

Free Lesson Plans

Download lesson plans and accompanying workbooks from our website for home learners in Kindergarten to Grade 3. Free lesson plans on species-at-risk are available for Grade 6-8 classes; paired with a video series available on YouTube.

'Help Wildlife' Articles

Learn how to prevent the common causes of injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife. Go to our main website and use the drop down menu under 'Help Wildlife' to view a variety of articles.


Do you want to help spread the word about the work we do? Join our education and outreach volunteer team! Represent SPWC at community events by sharing information on preventing harm to wildlife and by selling SPWC merchandise at vendor events.

Post-secondary Placements

Complete a placement or a course project with us! We host students from Veterinary Technician and Veterinary Assistant programs, engineering programs, teacher candidates, and more.

Community Outreach

Invite us to your community event, where we will bring our educational display on wildlife and branded merchandise for fundraising. Please note that we do not bring animals to outreach events. 

Educational Products

All proceeds go to patient care.

Adopt-a-Species ($20)

Each package comes with a fact sheet, certificate of adoption, suggested actions to support the species in your neighbourhood, and a patient story. 

#wildliferehab | #lovewildlife | #wildlifeaware

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Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre

We are a registered charity and non-profit with a small staff team and a large community of volunteers. Patient care and the education program is funded by donations and program fees.
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Stay Connected

Help spread the word about who we are and what we do, so we can continue our work of rehabilitating wildlife and releasing them back to their home. 

Education Program Supporters

Dr. Thomas C. Sears, philanthropist and environmentalist.

Our students loved participating in the program and games that were offered. The following day, two students discovered a fly that couldn't fly on the playground. They urgently wanted me to contact Sandy Pines so that we could help the injured animal, wrap its wings so that it could heal and then be released back to the wild. Empathy was definitely conveyed!
In-Person Daycare/Preschool Presentation
Our group has been engaging in adult educational tours with Sandy Pines for a few years now, and we are always amazed at and inspired by all of the incredible work that the team does for local wildlife. We have learned so much about how to have empathy and compassion for wildlife and how to support this work through volunteering, education, fundraising, and other initiatives.
— Environment Training Coordinator
Live Virtual Tour
We loved this virtual visit. It was very impressive how the workshop touched on science, history, geo and health curriculum and weaved in Indigenous knowledge, mindfulness, gender awareness, and empathy. AMAZING!!!
— Grade 7 Teacher, LDSB
Virtual Presentation: Wildlife-at-Risk
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